"custody Strategies for Women" is a book written by 2 experienced practitioners in the whole area of child custody..from a legal as well as psychological viewpoint.
It is wrongly concept that moms have no real problems when it comes to gaining either sole or joint custody of their children. This is not the case. And this book reinforces the significance of getting a winning child custody strategy in place from the start. If this is not done, for whatever reason, then it is very difficult to change the existing arrangement, particularly if it was put in place by the court at the breakdown of the parents relationship.
How To Win Custody For Fathers
It is prominent for mothers to understand how the system works, how the laws of child custody vary from state to state and how to put their best foot send when custody evaluation is being carried out.
Equally prominent is a good lawyer..and this book deals with how to get the best from your lawyer in this difficult situation and how to keep a rein on costs.
"Custody Strategies for Women" also sets out clearly the strategies that you need to hire and which ones to watch for from your old partner. It also equips you with what you need to know for when you have to testify in court and what the judge will be seeing out for.
This book is not cheap but with the bonuses and the experience of the authors most mothers would think it cheap at double the price..in order to articulate a salutary and loving association with the child that they gave birth to.
Child Custody For Mothers - How to Win Child Custody tellRecommend : How to win Custody (for Men & Women)