Divorce is a difficult and painful contact for all parties involved. Fortunately for some, the selection of avoiding a messy divorce by mutually according on the prominent details saves time, money, and most importantly, heartache.
Many states are called "no fault" divorce states. As of 2010, all states in America are no fault divorce states now. What this means is that you can file for divorce on grounds of "Irreconcilable Differences." You do not have to show any definite type of behavior from the other spouse like abandonment, adultery, mental or physical cruelty, or abuse. Both parties agree that it is in the best interests of the house to end the marriage. In many jurisdictions, when both the husband and the wife can find coarse ground and can come to an agreement, these types of divorces can be filed and completed quickly-many times within 30-days and only one particular quick court date. This is true in many jurisdictions across the country.
How To Win Custody For Fathers
An uncontested divorce will lay out the basic provisions of the deal that the two parties have agreed upon such as maintenance (alimony), dividing of the assets/debts, dividing up of personal property, child support, visitation and any other deal the two parties work out.
With the inevitable issues that can be difficult to navigate dealing with money and property, one of the most prominent decisions to make is who will be the custodial parent (which parent the child will live with) and whether the two parties will have joint custody of the child(ren) should they have kids. Many men automatically believe that they must give up their right to be the custodial parent to the mum because if they fought it out in court, the mum would win anyways. This is naturally not true. Any father should perceive that they have an equal right to be the custodial parent and that a mothers work agenda may make it more favorable for the father to be the custodial parent.
Of concern is also manufacture sure that all the asset is properly and agreeably divided between both of the parties to the divorce. Many habitancy that are excellent candidates for an uncontested divorce are young habitancy that have not yet compiled lots of assets. For example, if each party owns their own car, if they are renting an apartment and not owners of any real estate, if the only money is minimal in each others personal accounts, and if the only personal asset is minimal and can be surely divided by agreement.
Of course, habitancy with large amounts of assets can also file for an uncontested divorce if they are able to break each and every asset down and come to a mutually useful deal on how they should be divided. The problem that often comes up is parties with complicated properties and relinquishment investments. These are the two most coarse areas where habitancy without children (or with grown adult children) find themselves unable to come to an deal and need an attorney to step in and litigate the issue.
Sitting down with an experienced divorce attorney is prominent to help any party considering divorces navigate through the many obstacles to coming to a mutually agreed uncontested divorce. With an experienced divorce attorney, the possibility of coming to an amicable deal with your spouse is exponentially improved because of the pro nature of the written instruments that will be placed in front of your spouse. An experienced house law attorney will give both parties peace of mind that everything was drafted properly and that all is in order, increasing the chances that complicated court appearances and a long drawn out divorce will be avoided.
Uncontested divorces can save both parties thousands of dollars each and can be the first step in starting an amicable association post-marriage-something that is especially prominent if children are involved. Good luck!
Uncontested divorce Can Ease the Painful ProcessRelated : How to win Custody (for Men & Women)