Mothers proprietary in a child custody case have changed drastically. It used to be a given that a mom would withhold corporal custody of her children, and the father would get visitation. Now, in most states, the standard is joint custody between the parents. There are also an increasing amount of cases where the father is awarded custody of the kids. It's a favorite trend in the child custody courts today.
In fact, agreeing to the 2000 Us Census, 3.1 million children live in singular father households. That's triple the amount from the 1980 Census...and if the trend continues as expected, that amount will continue to rise. (2010 numbers are staggering to be much higher.)
How To Win Custody For Fathers
So, what does this mean for mothers rights? What can you do to ensure your children remain with you?
The most important thing you can do is to be prepared. Don't assume that your case will automatically go your way. The myth of the mom all the time prevailing in court is just that - a myth. I've heard from too many women who believed this to be true...and ended up losing custody.
This fact is not meant to scare you. It's meant to motivate you to get actively involved in your case, and to be prepared. Hopefully, you'll never have to go to court for your children...but if you do, you need to have a case prepared so you can win.
This includes picking the right attorney, one who will indeed fight for you and your children. It also means focusing your case on the things that indeed matter in court, and being prepared to defend yourself against any false allegations your ex may throw your way. (Family court is very distinct than criminal court and you'd be surprised at the things that can be alleged from vindictive or angry ex spouses.)
attention Mothers - Child Custody Changes - Will You Get Custody of Your Children?Thanks To : How to win Custody (for Men & Women)