When you go through a disunion or separation, you can feel emotionally drained and physically exhausted from the stress and impact of the needful changes going on in your life. Your connection has ceased to exist and you probably have more questions than answers at this time in your life. One thing you by all means; of course do not want to deal with at this time is a child custody battle. An intense conference now over the children provides more acrimony and heartbreak for your children, potentially causing long-term emotional impact in their lives. Unfortunately, you may not have a choice.
If you are dealing with a mad or vengeful ex, you could be facing a serious child custody battle. The emphasis for your ex might be more about who "wins" rather than finding at the child custody arrangement to see what is best for the children. Child custody battles are typically tainted with emotional issues that have happened when the adults were still complex in their relationship. Unfortunately, when these old issues are brought into the picture, the children are only used as pieces for manipulation between one or both parents. In this situation, the children are not seen as the individual, growing persons they are, but instead come to be "things" that one or both adults will use to potentially hurt the other parent.
How To Win Custody For Fathers
The reality however is that you may be dealing with a mad or vengeful ex who is doing just that. While you can't protect your child completely from the manipulations and ploys of your ex, there are some things you can do.
Never argue in front of your children. Even if you ex is yelling and screaming, be the better parent. Take off you and your children from the situation. I know that defending yourself against hateful and untrue accusations is very hard, but nothing will change by you staying and arguing your case.
Never bad mouth your ex to your kids. This one can be challenging. If you ex is displaying bad behavior, you honestly don't want your children to model his actions. So, how do you teach your children what's acceptable without saying something negative about the other party?
One way colse to this is to make sure you have many other role models for your children to look up to. Then you can plainly say, for instance, "Does Pastor John cuss? Does Uncle Steve? We don't use that language here."
Another key issue in custody battles is if there have been any issues of domestic violence in the home. If so, you must address these with your attorney and peruse options. The more you can get settled now before your parenting bargain is in place, the easier it will be for everyone.
Help For Moms Going through a Child Custody Battle