No matter how good the guidance given to you, you will not be able to effect without first solidifying the grounds of your case. You are going to court to sell something, so to speak, so it is imperative that you have the best 'product' you can. There are three critical aspects to creating a solid and convincing argument.
The foundation of your case is your message. What is your message? What do you have say to the court, to the opposing side and to possible evaluators that is compelling, that is magnetic, that cannot be ignored, that must be responded to? house courts are busy places, and it is easy to get lost among a sea of other struggling Fathers. You need to set yourself apart. You need to have a great message at the core of your case.
How To Win Custody For Fathers
Once you have a winning message, you will need to know how best to use it. You must produce a strategy. This is going to be a long and difficult process that will take up your time and energy. The last thing you want is to be mentally and emotionally exhausted. Efficiency is vital. Know who can categorically help you and affect your case and know what categorically matters. Every performance you take should be deliberate and calculated to get the best effect for you.
The last step is perfecting your presentation. You need to 'package' your 'product'. To recite your message effectively, you need to both clearly present all relevant facts and be emotionally convincing. Your message should be easy to effect but still magnetic and compelling..You must be prepared in writing prior to the hearing in such a manner that your paperwork is expert in every regard; so that it looks and smells and feels just like what "they're" used to looking at. Then, you must overcome any fear or apprehension that you may have by presenting your message with an "impassioned emotional approach," while letting "all" complex know that you'll never give up! For all the technicalities of law, the final judgments are made by people.
Fathers' proprietary and Child Custody Cases - How to Build a Winning CaseRecommend : How to win Custody (for Men & Women)