The thing that's probably more difficult than a separation is a child custody case. When dealing with a situation as stressful as this, it's important to be well-prepared so that you won't ever lose your legal possession as a parent. Use these seven tips below to help make your child custody case more convenient to you.
1. Find an Experienced Child custody Lawyer
First and foremost, get yourself a trusted separation lawyer in your area that specializes in child custody cases. Don't just hire a random legal professional; make sure you interview any candidates and pick wisely. Remember, your child's future is at stake here, and you want to receive the best services inherent so you can win the case.
How To Win Custody For Fathers
2. Document Everything
The next thing you want to do is document all that happens as soon as the separation proceedings start. Write down all the activities associated to your child and keep all the data on a journal. It will be very useful later on while the trial. You can also write about past events that are relevant to the proceedings, but make sure you don't construct the truth because the court can indeed see through you.
3. Derive Witnesses
You also need to find citizen who have intimately observed your connection with your child. They can be immediate house members, relatives, friends, colleagues, teachers, doctors and so on. Derive dependable witnesses so that it will progress your stand on the case.
4. Conclude Your Good and Bad Points
Knowing about your strengths and weaknesses as a parent will help your attorney come up with the right strategy and approach to use in court. So go ahead and jot down all your good and bad points. The pros can consist of attending school activities, taking your kid to medical/dental appointments, and being the main guardian of the child. On the other hand, cons like working long hours, spending less time with family, and extra-marital affairs can risk your chances of winning custody. Watch out carefully for them because the other party can use those points against you.
5. Do Not affect Your Child to pick You
No matter how badly you want to Derive custody, you must never tell your child to pick you over the other parent. while the proceedings, a child custody evaluator will interview everybody for questions, along with your kid. If they find out you attempted this, the court will most likely favor the other party.
6. Learn More about Custody Laws in Your State
Find out about the exact custody laws in your area so you can best understand the situation. Look also for anything that can be used against you and how you can fight it. Learn about how the whole custody process and your possession as a parent as well.
7. Prioritize Your Child's Best Interests at All Times
Lastly, think of what's best for your kid instead of putting your own needs first. Don't forget that your child is the one that's suffering the most from all of this, and the least you can do is to make things easier for him or her. Just do your best to be a good parent and attend to your child's needs; in the end, it won't indeed matter who wins as long as you know your kid is getting the best care possible.
Thanks To : How to win Custody (for Men & Women)